CTS offers a conservative, non-invasive approach to treat bedwetting, daytime wetting, and constipation in children and teens. These types of dysfunctional elimination issues occur when the pelvic floor muscles and bladder or bowel are not working together and the normal patterns are disrupted. Some children can experience difficulty urinating, painful urination, frequent bladder infections, urinary urgency and/or frequency, or difficulty sensing bladder or bowel urge. CTS offers the tools your family needs to take control of your child's bowel or bladder issues.
Before beginning a PT routine, children should get checked by a physician to rule out any type of infection or medical condition. Once cleared, CTS can determine which regime is most helpful for each patient's circumstance. The process is painless and no internal exams are performed. Care is offered in a nurturing environment for the child and caregivers.
Treatment may include a bladder/bowel/food diary, bladder training, dietary assessment, therapeutic exercise, biofeedback and education. Physical therapy can help alleviate symptoms in as few as 3 sessions. Children are seen for one hour in their first visit, followed by weekly 30-minute sessions for 6-8 weeks. Depending on each child's case, time may vary.
- Bedwetting & Daytime Wetting
- Encopresis
- Chronic Constipation
- Urinary Urgency, Frequency or Pain
- Chronic Urinary Tract Infections
- Incomplete Bladder or Bowel Emptying
- Inability to Sense Bowel or Bladder Urge
- Urinary Hesitancy or "Shy Bladder"